Медицинский портал. Щитовидная железа, Рак, диагностика

Топик по английскому языку на тему животные. Pets

I think it is very important to have a pet at home. And it absolutely does not matter, what kind of animal it is. It can be: a cat, a dog, a hamster, a parrot or even a gold fish.

Cats and dogs are the most popular pets in many countries. People who live in flats prefer to keep cats, because there is no need to walk them every day. Cats are very compact animals, they like to lie on people’s laps and even in beds. I love cats because they are warm and fluffy. Cats let us stroke them and often purr with pleasure. For me cats are the most incredible and mystic animals.

Dogs are a man"s best friends and that is the fact. Dogs are extremely clever and understand everything you tell them. Though keeping a dog in a flat is a bit of a problem, because you need to walk it two or three times a day. And this takes some time.

Another problem is that our flats are relatively small even for not big dogs. And do not forget that dogs have a specific smell. But these are no real problems when you really love dogs. Dogs are wonderful animals. I am absolutely sure that cats and dogs have human souls.

In eastern countries cats and dogs are exotic pets. People there mostly keep birds. These birds are usually smaller than parrots. People live in tiny flats and houses and there is simply not enough room to place a big cage. As for me, I love big birds and parrots.

Another reason for keeping birds is that cities in eastern countries are overpopulated, so there are not enough parks and squares. And do not forget, that Asian people can use cats and dogs as food!

Personally I do not understand when people keep small fishes. What is the point in all this? Fish do not speak. You cannot touch it. Well there are big beautiful fishes that are at least pleasant to look at. Keeping fish is a very difficult and money demanding process. Without paying all the necessary attention to your fish they can soon die.

People usually keep hamsters, rabbits, rats and mice to teach their children to communicate with animals. Besides, these animals are rather easy to look after. These animals are funny, but all they do is eating and multiplying.

It is very interesting when somebody has exotic pets, such as spiders, cockroaches, snakes and frogs. But one has got to be a real professional. Otherwise the animals will die or do harm to somebody. I would choose to keep frogs. I think them really nice. And some frogs have beautiful voices.

So, you can choose any pet. But you just must love it! I cannot understand how people can live without pets.

Топик My Pet

My name is Valerie. I"m fourteen years old. I always dreamed of having any domestic animal.

When I was twelve my parents gave me a cat for my birthday. I was very glad and my cat was named Cadet. Now very small and fluffy kitten ran in my house. It was white with little dark grey wafers stuck all over it. Its ears and legs were half black. The colour of its eyes varied with mood. Best of all it liked to play with paper mouse.

Cadet liked to drink milk and to eat sausage. Every evening Cadet sat on my knees and purred. Its purr was like a cradle song. It is two years old already but it is still tender as it was before. It likes very much when I flatter it. I became very attached to it and I love it very much.

Мой домашний питомец

Меня зовут Валери. Мне 14 лет. Я всегда мечтала, чтоб у меня появилось какое-нибудь домашнее животное.

Когда мне было 12 лет, родители подарили мне на день рождения кошку. Я очень сильно обрадовалась и назвала его Кадетом. Теперь по дому бегал очень маленький и пушистый котёнок. Он был белого цвета с маленькими тёмно-серыми пятнами по всему телу. Ушки и лапки наполовину были чёрными. Цвет глаз у него менялся в зависимости от настроения. Самым интересным занятием для него было играть с бумажной мышкой.

Кадет очень любил пить молоко и есть колбасу. Каждый вечер Кадет садился на мои колени и мурлыкал. Его мурлыканье было похоже на колыбельную песню. Моему коту уже два года, но он остаётся таким же ласковым. Ему очень нравится, когда я глажу его. Я очень привязалась к своему коту и очень его люблю.

I like animals very much, that’s why I’d like tell about my home pet. This is a small cat, her name is Penny and she has no breed. She was presented to me by my friends and it was the most adorable gift I’ve ever had.

She is not fat and grand, she`s just 4 months old. She is grey and white with a black spot on the chin, which looks like a small beard. Her eyes are green, her ears, paws and nose are rose. My cat is cute and fluffy, so it`s very pleasant to touch her. When Penny is in a good mood she always purrs.

Penny doesn`t like to stay alone. She misses me and when I come she runs up, wags with the tail and asks me to take her in my arms. She always follows me from one room to another: we cook, clean, wash the dishes, play computer games and sleep together. She likes sleeping. Usually she finds soft, warm and clean place and lies down there. She is very sociable and likes guests. When I invite somebody to my flat, Penny usually greets and welcomes them.

My cat has some favorite toys: a rubber ball, a scratching post and a mouse-toy. Penny likes running, jumping on sofas, tables, chairs and window sills and sometimes she can be very noisy. She is mad about fish and meat, that’s why when she sees the food she cries loudly and asks to treat her aggressively. She likes sitting in my bag and gnawing my headphones when I do my work. Now I buy the cheapest analogues to avoid any wastes.

Some cats walk outdoors, but I don’t let my cat to walk down the streets, because it is very dangerous. Penny could be attacked by dogs, other cats, cars or people. There are many people who don’t like animals (they kick, poison or even kill animals) and I want my cat to be safe and alive.

I love my cat and I hope she loves me too. In my opinion, she is my best friend and she can keep secrets.

Я очень люблю животных, и поэтому хотела бы рассказать о своем домашнем питомце. Это маленькая кошка, ее зовут Пенни, она не имеет породы. Мне ее подарили мои друзья, и это был самый прелестный подарок из тех, что я когда-либо получала.

Она не большая и не толстая, ей всего 4 месяца. Она серо-белая с черным пятном на подбородке, которое похоже на маленькую бороду. У нее зеленые глаза, розовые уши, нос и лапки. Она милая и пушистая, поэтому ее очень приятно трогать. Когда Пенни в хорошем настроении, она постоянно мурлычет.

Пенни не любит оставаться в одиночестве. Она скучает по мне, и когда я прихожу, она выбегает ко мне, виляет хвостом и просится на руки. Она всегда ходит вслед за мной из одной комнаты в другую: мы вместе готовим, убираемся, моем посуду, играем в компьютерные игры и спим. Она любит поспать. Обычно она находит мягкое, теплое, чистое место и ложится там. Она очень общительная и любит гостей. Когда я приглашаю кого-нибудь к себе, Пенни обычно встречает и приветствует гостя или гостью.

У моей кошки есть любимые игрушки: резиновый мячик, чесалка для когтей и игрушечная мышка. Пенни нравится бегать, прыгать по диванам, столам, креслам и подоконникам и порой она может быть очень шумной. Она без ума от рыбы и мяса, и поэтому, когда видит еду, она издает громкие звуки и очень агрессивно требует себя угостить. Ей нравится сидеть в моей сумке, когда я занята своей работой, и грызть мои наушники. Теперь я покупаю самые дешевые модели, чтобы не тратить деньги впустую.

Некоторые кошки любят гулять на природе, но я не пускаю свою кошку гулять по улицам, потому что это очень опасно. На Пенни могут напасть собаки, другие коты, люди или она может попасть под машину. Существует много людей, которые не любят животных (они пинают их, травят и даже убивают) и я хочу, чтобы моя кошка была в безопасности.

Я люблю свою кошку, и я надеюсь, что она меня тоже любит. Я думаю, что она - мой лучший друг и умеет хранить секреты.

Domestic animals can be divided into two groups: farm animals and pets.

Farm animals

Farmers usually raise such animals as cows, sheep, horses, pigs, rabbits. But in some Eastern countries people keep donkeys, camels, yaks and even elephants on their farms.

Some domestic animals work for people. Some of them give people food. Pigs give meat. Cows and goats give milk. Hens, ducks, geese, turkeys give meat and eggs.


A lot of people keep animals at home for pleasure. They are called pets. People usually prefer small animals, for example, rabbits, guinea pigs, white mice, hamsters and sometimes birds.

But the most popular pets are dogs and cats. Some dogs guard and protect their owner’s houses. Cats are not so loyal as dogs, but they can help people, too. They catch mice and rats.

Sometimes people keep exotic animals: iguanas, snakes, frogs, small crocodiles and even tigers. But in my opinion it’s not a good idea to keep a snake or a tiger at home because it can be really dangerous.

Every child wants a pet to play with, but animals are not toys. They need everyday care. You must keep their baskets and cages clean, remember to feed them regularly. Many animals such as large dogs suffer if they are kept in small city apartments.

Why do we need pets?

We know that our pets need us. We look after them and give them home. But now doctors are saying that we need them, too. Experts believe that pets can help you stay healthy and live longer.

Pets are very good friends. They don’t ask for much and they always love you. Children learn how to be kind to their pets, and how to look after them. So, having pets can really change our lives for the better.

Домашние животные могут быть разделены на две группы: сельскохозяйственные животные и питомцы.

Сельскохозяйственные животные

Фермеры обычно разводят таких животных как коровы, овцы, лошади, свиньи, кролики. Но в некоторых восточных странах люди держат ослов, верблюдов, яков и даже слонов на своих фермах.

Некоторые домашние животные работают для людей. Некоторые из них дают людям еду. Свиньи дают мясо. Коровы и козы дают молоко. Курицы, утки, гуси, индюки дают мясо и яйца.


Многие люди держат животных дома для удовольствия. Их называют питомцами. Люди обычно предпочитают маленьких животных, например, кроликов, морских свинок, белых мышей, хомяков и иногда птиц.

Но самые популярные домашние животные – собаки и кошки. Некоторые собаки охраняют и защищают дом своего хозяина. Кошки не так верны, как собаки, но и они могут помогать людям. Они ловят мышей и крыс.

Иногда люди содержат экзотических животных: игуан, змей, лягушек, маленьких крокодилов и даже тигров. Но, по моему мнению, это не очень хорошая идея держать змею или тигра дома, потому что это может быть крайне опасно.

Каждый ребенок хочет питомца, чтобы играть с ним, но животные – это не игрушки. Им нужен ежедневный уход. Вы должны содержать их корзины и клетки чистыми, не забывать их регулярно кормить. Многие животные, такие как большие собаки, страдают, если их держат в небольших городских квартирах.

Зачем нам нужны питомцы?

Мы знаем, что нашим питомцам нужны мы. Мы заботимся о них и даем им дом. Но теперь врачи говорят, что и мы нуждаемся в них. Специалисты считают, что питомцы могут помочь вам быть здоровыми и жить дольше.

Питомцы – очень хорошие друзья. Они не просят многого и всегда любят вас. Дети учатся быть добрыми к своим домашним животным и заботиться о них. Таким образом, содержание питомцев может действительно изменить нашу жизнь к лучшему.

I think that it is very important to have a pet at home. And it absolutely does not matter, what kind of animal it is. It can be: a cat, a dog, a hamster, a parrot or even a gold fish. Cats and dogs are the most popular pets in many countries. People who live in flats prefer to keep cats, because there is no need to walk them every day. Cats are very compact animals, they like to lie on people’s laps and even in beds. I love cats because they are warm and fluffy. Cats let us stroke them and often purr with pleasure. For me cats are the most incredible and mystic animals. Dogs are a man"s best friends and that is the fact. Dogs are extremely clever and understand everything you tell them. Though keeping a dog in a flat is a bit of a problem, because you need to walk it two or three times a day. And this takes some time. Another problem is that our flats are relatively small even for not big dogs. And do not forget that dogs have a specific smell. But these are no real problems when you really love dogs. Dogs are wonderful animals. I am absolutely sure that cats and dogs have human souls.

In eastern countries cats and dogs are exotic pets. People there mostly keep birds. These birds are usually smaller than parrots. People live in tiny flats and houses and there is simply not enough room to place a big cage. As for me, I love big birds and parrots. Another reason for keeping birds is that cities in eastern countries are overpopulated, so there are not enough parks and squares. And do not forget, that Asian people can use cats and dogs as food!

Personally I do not understand when people keep small fishes. What is the point in all this? Fish do not speak. You cannot touch it. Well there are big beautiful fishes that are at least pleasant to look at. Keeping fish is a very difficult and money demanding process. Without paying all the necessary attention to your fish they can soon die.

People usually keep hamsters, rabbits, rats and mice to teach their children to communicate with animals. Besides, these animals are rather easy to look after. These animals are funny, but all they do is eating and multiplying.

It is very interesting when somebody has exotic pets, such as spiders, cockroaches, snakes and frogs. But one has got to be a real professional. Otherwise the animals will die or do harm to somebody. I would choose to keep frogs. I think them really nice. And some frogs have beautiful voices.

So, you can choose any pet. But you just must love it! I cannot understand how people can live without pets.
